Monday, October 13, 2008

Houston: we have Jersey 1.0!

I'm sure this has already been reported by gazillion other blogs, but just in case you managed to miss it, Jersey 1.0 Has Been Released.

So what is Jersey? It is production-quality reference implementation of "standard Java Rest API", JAX-RS. And although I have not really yet had a good enough excuse to try it out for building a real production web service, I would not hesitate using it, based on discussions on user and developers lists, if Restful modeling suits the service to implement.


Friday, October 03, 2008

... well, also, Another One Bites the Dust...

Ok: maybe there is a limit to number of active Open Source listing services. After writing the previous blog entry, I realized that an earlier contender, SourceKibitzer, seems to be closing the shop (or, at least the free storefront). That is unfortunate, but I hope the guys behind this cool service are having fun with their new adventures (check out SK home page for links).

Yet Another Open Source Discovery/Directory Site: OStatic

The more the merrier: OStatic is the latest directory service for listing available Open Source packages that I have encountered so far. I haven't had much time to dig in deeper to see if it offers anything substantially more interesting than SourceKibitzer or Ohloh. But it's good to have little bit of friendly competition.

One common denominator between these sites seems to be that if I am not mistaken, they have all been bootstrapped using a set of high-profile open source "incubators": at least Codehaus, given that Woodstox and StaxMate are included from beginning (or maybe just because they are such sterling open source libs? :-) )

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