Author profile: Tatu Saloranta AKA Cowtowncoder
- Real-World Primary Identifier (aka "name"): Tatu Saloranta
- Contact Info:
- tsaloranta 'at' gmail (Dot) com
- cowtowncoder 'at' yahoo (doT) com
- Nicks:
- Cowtowncoder:
- Doomdark (former)
- Menomuna (for some discussions within .fi domain)
- Field: Software Engineering
- ~15 years of for-money experience (since february 1995)
- 25+ years of programming experience (bless that VIC-20 I got as x-mas present in early 80s!)
- Career:
- Current employer: Ning (2010-)
- Past employers:
- Open Source projects:
- XML:
- Woodstox XML processor
- StaxMate XML helper lib
- Aalto Ultra-High performance XML parser; optional non-blocking ("async") mode
- Other:
(and a few others... to be completed)
- Surf'n Turf: (mix of commercial, OS):
- Communities:
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